Grow Your Own Dye Plants, Natural Dyeing, and Indigo Dyeing: Sat., Oct. 13th

Tonight! Colette Patterns Party! Reading Grow Your Own Dye Plants, Natural Dyeing, and Indigo Dyeing: Sat., Oct. 13th 2 minutes Next Beautiful People

Samples of different protein fibers dyed with natural dyes


Instructors: Adrienne Rodriguez & Kristine Vejar

Take a fun filled class by Adrienne and Kristine on all aspects of natural dyeing.  This class is designed to kick start your interest and knowledge of the ancient art.  We will provide all materials including various samples of different fibers to take home.  The exciting and unique part of this class is Kristine's first hand experience dyeing with natural indigo.  The indigo dyeing  process is a complex and obscure technique that will be explained and shown in detail.

We have other dyeing classes that focus on one dye material, but with this class you will get a chance to dye with unprocessed dried plant materials, natural plant dye extracts, and indigo; a direct dyeing process.  Not to mention, you will spend an entertaining and knowledge filled time exploring natural dyes with the owner of A Verb for Keeping Warm.

We hope you join us for this incredible and rare class.  It may be until next spring until we teach it again!  Plus, if you take it now you will be ready to order dye plant seeds for spring and know how much to plant!

In this class, you will learn:

- Yarn and fiber preparation which will include helpful tips for a successful end product with emphasis on colorfastness
- Mordanting with alum for protein fibers (these are fibers that come from animals) to achieve colorfast results
- Dyestuff prep
- Actual dyeing of yarn samples
- Washing and drying your yarn
- Resources for continued learning and dye plant seed recommendations
- How to create a dye garden
- How to use both whole plants and extracts to create a wide variety of color
- How to create an indigo vat, and how to dye with indigo

No experience required.
Materials included in class: yarn samples, various dyestuffs, gloves

NOTE:  Class is held on our outside patio.  Please dress for comfort, crafting, and weather conditions.

1 Session / 3.5 hours

Date: Saturday, October 13th
Time: 2 - 5:30pm

Sign up here!