natural dyeing

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Indigo Reveal

The most-anticipated moment with shibori and indigo dyeing is the moment you remove the object creating your resist (binding, stitching, clamps, etc), and reveal the design underneath! With indigo ...
natural dyeing

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Pathways to the Fishbone Tank

Happy summer everyone! As you may know, Kristine and Adrienne recently visited New Hampshire and are currently exploring the beautiful country of Iceland, experiencing the deep-rooted wool culture...
Flowers at My Fingertips Sewing Kit

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Flowers at My Fingertips Sewing Kit

Walk into your own front yard, wander through your garden, and at your fingertips there very well could be dye plants growing. May's Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along project is the Flowers at My Fi...
alabama chanin

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Depth, Texture, and Layers of Natrurally-Dyed Color with Alabama Chanin

  The typical pathway of creating an Alabama Chanin piece is to choose a sewing pattern, cut the fabric for the sewing pattern, stencil the fabric, layer the stenciled fabric over the a piece of no...
In the Dye Studio

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Fashion Revolution

This past weekend, I held a class helping people dye their own Gilded Cardigan and Iron Age Tank, a project from The Modern Natural Dyer. As you may know The Modern Natural Dyer includes shade car...

Stitch Exchange: The West Water Tunic

You know how you hear about an event for years, and you see lots of photos of happy people at the event, and they make things you dream of making, and you hope that one day you might be able to go...
alabama chanin

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Printing with Flowers + Alabama Chanin

Last Summer, Natalie Chanin of Alabama Chanin visited Verb, which is a cause for celebration. We invited the Verb community to gather and and to share in her company. There were many beautiful han...
In the Dye Studio

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Iron Age Tank and Gilded Cardigan

When I began to write The Modern Natural Dyer, I could not wait to somehow incorporate the work of Alabama Chanin. I received the opportunity to meet Natalie Chanin, the founder, about four years ...
In the Dye Studio

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: Sandstone Shawl

For the month of March, as part of The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along, we are focusing on the Sandstone Shawl. When setting out the lessons I wanted to teach through The Modern Natural Dyer, I des...
California Wool Project

Stitches West 2016

It is almost time for that magical event called Stitches West, where one can walk through miles of aisles of yarn, and have the choice of nearly any fiber spun into any size yarn, in every shade o...
In the Dye Studio

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: The Wanderlust Bag

It's February - which means our focus is now upon making The Wanderlust Bag from The Modern Natural Dyer! Now that we have discussed how to create naturally-dyed colors through the use of a single...
In the Dye Studio

The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along: January Wrap-Up

Wow! Here we are at the end of January! Which also means we have completed month one of The Modern Natural Dyer Work-Along. Here's a recap: This month, I set out to create and complete two projects...