Blooming Cosmos! Dye Garden Update

Welcome back!

This week we have some fun news to report in the dye garden. This week the maroon cosmos and orange coreopsis started to bloom. One of the Hopi black dye sunflowers is getting very big! I anticipate it to bloom within the next few weeks.  

This past week I installed a drip irrigation system that is activated by a timer to go off once a day. Drip irrigation will save us time and water by automatically delivering small amounts of water.

The coreopsis and sunflower seedlings were moved to larger containers.  In late June or early July, I hope that we will be able to sell dye plant starters. Madder, coreopsis, sunflowers, and yarrow will be some of the options.

We are still harvesting marigolds and yarrow flower heads to be used in future dye projects.

Until next week, happy gardening and crafting!

