Beatriz KAL: Adding little flecks of mohair silk yarn to your knitting

Beatriz KAL: Adding little flecks of mohair silk yarn to your knitting

Beatriz Knit-a-Long: Everyday Deep Valley + Frond Bonbons Reading Beatriz KAL: Adding little flecks of mohair silk yarn to your knitting 2 minutes
As you can see, I have been adding in little blips of Verb's naturally-dyed Frond silk-mohair yarn to my handknit Beatriz sweater. Ooo! It gives me such a good tickle! 

Knitting in short lengths of silk mohair Frond yarn to a swath of fabric is a fun way to add a bit of interest to large panels of stockinette stitch. Some of the colors I used are brighter with more contrast, and others are more subdued and closer in hue or saturation to the main color of the sweater. I love both sets of colors; the brighter little pops catch the eye, the more subdued are quieter made for those who are sitting closer. It is just the silk in those strands that grab the attention. A lovely moment of minimalism. Remember, one's knitting doesn't always need to scream - "I knit this by hand". ;) 

Here's how I add in those little flecks of Frond: 
I cut (break using my hands) a length of Frond about 6" long.
I keep a tail of about 1" long and add the strand of Frond to the strand of Everyday and knit until I have about an 1" of tail left. 

Those little fuzzy ends will slightly felt to the sweater once you start wearing it. You don't need to weave in the ends. Of course, you can also knit longer lengths! 
I have been adding these in about 3" apart. When I am done knitting, if I wish for more, or feel like they are off balance and would like to even them out, I will simply thread a tapestry needle and add a few here and there. 

Handknit sweaters really are the best. You get to cultivate skills and create something that will keep you warm. A handknit sweater is like a big hug! 

- Kristine