Are you following The Great White Bale? If you love to read the stories behind the yarn you buy, Clara Parkes is the ultimate storyteller. Her Great White Bale project follows a 676-pound bale of Saxon merino fleece as it winds its way across the USA, a couple times, to become gorgeous, small-batch yarn. Armchair Travelers can follow Parkes as she chronicles just what it takes to mill high-quality, domestic wool, and get a fascinating glimpse of the proud, yet dwindling textile industry in the USA. Along the way, she introduces us to iconic milling machinery, fluffy sheep, and an inspiring community of artisans who are fighting to keep this vital industry alive in our country.
Intrepid yarn guru Clara Parkes on both sides of the camera
We've been following the Great White Bale since January, so imagine our excitement when Clara asked us if we'd like to be a stop on her wool's journey.
Clara talks yarn at our shop in Oakland
We were so honored to hear her fascinating story, and get a glimpse of her inestimable yarn. To dye some of the Great White Bale was a dream-come-true for Kristine, who opted for the rich and varied red tones of the madder root.
Kristine snips madder roots for dyeing
Clara chronicled the entire process, complete with lots of beautiful photos, for members of the Great White Bale. If you'd like to learn more, it's definitely worth becoming an Armchair Traveler. More than simply a blog, The Great White Bale is a multi-media experience, from farms, to mills, right to our very own shop. And if any Explorers are reading, get ready for some luxurious, madder-dyed Saxon merino. -HD