I've got a couple features in the works for the blog. In the meantime, here are some snapshots of what's being knit up in Horizon, by those of us at the store, and some intrepid Ravelers.
Kristine made a Beeline out of Horizon Tree Fort, and, as far as I can tell, has worn it non-stop since it came off the needles. She might even wear it when she sleeps.
I was immediately gripped with jealousy, and dropped all my projects to cast on my own raglan sweater in Horizon Diablo. I picked a comfy pattern with a shirttail hem, Il Grande Favorito:
I cast on on Tuesday, navigated raglan increases and neck shaping all week while riding in the car, moving loads to my new apartment, and by now I'm just below the bust. I seriously can't put it down.
Spinning teacher, and friend, Michael, was the the first to finish San Pablo, making him pretty much my test knitter. I owe you one, Michael. He used Swordfern, Wolf Lichen, and Lighthouse.
copyright WonderMike
Another friend and customer, Mark, experimented with stranded colorwork, using Grizzly Peak and Lighthouse. I loved seeing his swatch, since I've been dying to try colorwork in Horizon as well.
copyright MarkinSF
Big thanks to Mark and Michael for doing such beautiful work, and letting me use their photos on the blog. I hope readers are having as much fun knitting Horizon as we are. -HD